Published Jul 23, 2022


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Dr. Ahmed Jabbar Hayawi*

Dr. Ahmed Subhi Khaudhair

Article Details


BACKGROUND: Keratoconus is a progressive, non-inflammatory, bilateral (but usually asymmetric) ectatic corneal disease, characterized by paraxial stromal thinning and weakening that leads to corneal surface distortion. Visual loss occurs primarily from irregular astigmatism and myopia, and secondarily from corneal scarring. Vision loss occurs because of the corneal apex being displaced, thus creating irregular astigmatism. The cause of KC is unknown, although metabolic/chemical changes in the corneal tissue have been documented. However, the disease has been associated with atopy, connective tissue disorders, eye rubbing, contact lens wear and inheritance. Between 6%-18% of patients with keratoconus have a history of familial disease. In fact, several studies suggest that KC is a complex genetic disease.
Aim of Study: to estimate the prevalence of keratoconus in two Iraqi regions (middle and south).
Materials and Methods: Retrospective study of 1000 confirmed keratoconus cases undertaken in Lasik centers in Basrah south of Iraq and
Najaf middle of Iraq to evaluate its prevalence.
Results: The overall prevalence of Keratoconus of 4.9% of them Basrah center represented 56.1% and Najaf center 43.9% of the total cases. Conclusion: The prevalence was higher among patient below 30 years than older patients. Females were the dominant gender among keratoconus patients. Keratoconus was more frequent in housewives than other groups of patients with other occupation. The higher prevalence of keratoconus was reported in Basrah governorate where about one third of the patients.

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